
Motat is situated in Auckland.It is a Museum of travel and technology.Motat is ofter visted by school students and Pre-Schoolers.I personally think that a vist to motat is an amazing vist for Pre-Schoolers and young school kids not so much Intermediate Students.Although Motat offers many interesting experiences,there are several changes that need to made so Intermediate Students can enjoy it.

The reason why I say that is because its not that fun for Intermediate Students cause its kind of boring walking around look at things without knowing the background to it.Its also kind of boring because some of the experditon are blocked off.

Some of the reasons why you should go to motat is because its cheap and you get to look at alot of old machinery,not only that but you you get to experience a little bit of the past.You also get to see the revolution of differnt things.

So would you go?


Todays Cybersmart lesson is about permanent post and text messages and many other things thats is done online.This Quote that I have wrtiten is Think before you post,Make your words count.The meaning of this qoute is that you should always think before you post comment or share with others and make your words postitive

My Monsters about me

Greetings people.
My name is Johnlina and I am 118 years old to my kinda which means I am finally 18 on earth years.
I am a monster who has the face of a boy and a smile and hair of a girl. That’s how I got the name Johnlina.I am a monster who likes to make friends with anyone.
My favourite subjects at monster school is science and hunting for food and learning how to survive life on earth when I go there and don’t worry I am very friendly so no need to get scared when I come to earth
My hobby is to play air soccer.My other hobbies are watching monster goo netflix.My Interests are making new friends everyday even if they are mean.

Task description

For this task we had to crate a monster and then wirte an about me for the monster we crated.


About me 2023

Kia Ora Everyone Welcome to my blog.
My name is Iola. I am a year 8 student at Ruapotaka school.
My culture is Niuean(683) and Samoan(685).I am daughter to My Mum and Dad and a sister to my siblings.
My Favourite subjects at school is Sports,Writing and Reading
My interests are Listening to music, watching Culture dancing and dancing to culture dance. I love to go on calls with my sister aka Friends and play games with them that I always win in.I like to watch movies and video everyday every minute and every second of the day.


Embedding learning into our Blogs

Embedding Google Docs

By Iola

There are lots of different types of digital learning objects we embed into our blogs on a daily basis.

My favorite thing to share on my blog is the learning I learned in cybersmart and Writing and Reading that happens in class.

The easiest learning to share is my writing in Google Docs, simply just Copy and Paste it from the Google Doc onto your blog. However, don’t forget to use CTRL + SHIFT + V so that it gets rid of the formatting. You can always change the formatting on your blog.

Take a look at the other ways below





Embedding Google drive Videos



Book marking our learning sites

Today we sorted out our digital book marks on our chrombooks with our cybersmart teacher Mr Goodwin. Its important to have your bookmarks set up for our learning so that you can be at the right place at the right time.Here is a screen shot of my book marks being shorted out.